A new day. The experiment ... continues … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

A new day. The experiment ... continues … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

 I recently read a novel about a businessman that had so many problems during the long period of looking for money all the time that ... and he decides to retire, even if he was not so old.

He knew a little bit about the real estate market and internet, so the best decision was to invest in renting apartments.

He thought it will be quite easy and that 20-30 apartments would probably give him enough income for a new life style ... one with not so much stress around.

So ....even if he took few years to implement the plan ... one day he became a real rentier.

He succeeded the change and was living with the illusion that his problems with the customers from his main business will totally disappear.

But ... he was only exchanging a business with another one, forgetting that business should be easy just without customers, but as long as they exist ... let’s say we need to deal with lots of things.

On the other hand, the guy from the novel did not realized he was not having the right software for relaxation.


You can’t have a certain type of life, if you don’t have the right mental software for that.

He just needed adrenaline ... and the renting business was creating all kinds of argues .. but not adrenaline.

He had to deal especially with ladies, that in the nowadays society from his place ... were living with the impression that renting an apartment is like living in a hotel.

He knew to satisfy the clients ... but again he saw that instead of being paid just for doing nothing, because somehow this is the business of renting ... he was losing his mind with his clients.

Every new day ... he saw that the experiment was ... continuing.

It was all a nightmare, same as he lived 20 years with the other business.

Making money is not easy.

It never was and probably it will never be.

You see ... the guy from the story was not understanding that relaxation is not so related as you might think with money and you can’t have the peace of mind as a monk if you just chance a silly nightmare with another one.

But ... exploring and analyzing a contemporary story as this one ... we have the chance to define what a life fulfilled with relaxing moments means.

We might also have the chance to decide if we need to focus only on relaxation or maybe have a balanced life where money have a meaning for us, but we also try to have relaxing moments.


And the experiment called ... life ... can be a beautiful or an ugly one, but it was depends on the paths that you are following.





Download the book ”Exploring ourselves ... we will understand what life is about” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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